Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 59

I forgot to post yesterday that it was a no snack day.  Diva had Daisies after school, and then we joined the ballet moms and girls for dinner and gingerbread house making at Young Chef's Academy.  It was so much fun!  It was great to decorate, but not have to do any of the prep or clean up.

Today... well... it was bound to happen.  My plan for today was to make stockings.  Easy enough right?  String cheese top, apple bottom.  I could not get that darn apple shaped correctly.  So, here's what I have, 5 minutes before the bus arrives...

Luckily I had sketched some other ideas last week that I didn't use.  Diva is learning about Hanukkah in school, but she called it "Monica".  Well, I thought I would do a themed snack.  However, I got nervous.  I'm not Jewish, and I didn't want to mess it up.  So, I hope the following is correct, and doesn't offend anyone!


Apple base, string cheese top and gimel inscription (according to Wikipedia, which I hope is correct!)

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