Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 76

There was no snack yesterday.  Did you notice?  Probably not.  I have been slightly lacking in inspiration.  Maybe it's the after holiday lull, or the fact that I'm not a big winter fan so winter snacks seem no fun.  Or that all I can think of for Valentine's Day is a heart, which isn't super original.  So, I came home from work without an idea, without a plan, without a sketch, and at the point in the week where I start making the grocery list because stuff is getting low.  I tried out a few different ideas, hoping to be randomly struck by inspiration when I walked through the door.  I wasn't.  And then I wasn't out to greet the bus either and almost missed getting Diva off the bus so I said forget it, and succumbed to her immediate request for chocolate, and maybe had some too.

Today I was determined to get back in the swing.  I had an idea.  I had a sketch.  I got home and the book sitting on the table seemed like a much more inviting idea.  The sketch will likely reappear next week (when I have better groceries).  Today I give you...

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

pretzel rod palm tree trunk, sugar snap pea pod palms, alphabet cookies

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